Whether involved in a car accident, attacked by the neighbor’s dog or injured at a local business, no one wants to think about being hurt at the hands or negligence of another. However, when and if it happens to you, you’ll want to know your next steps.
Depending on the severity of your injuries, you may be looking at a long recovery, mounting medical bills, extended physical therapy, an interruption to your paychecks and the potential loss of your ability to work for a limited to extended period of time.
In some cases, you may not be able to return to work at all. It’s important to have a skilled personal injury attorney by your side to protect your best interests and help secure the settlement or compensation you are due. To help you prepare, The Edmonson Law Firm has pulled together a helpful checklist of three steps to take immediately following a Personal Injury:
Who Hurt You?: Even the world’s best attorney can’t get you the damages you are due if you don’t know who caused your injury. Try to learn the name and contact information for the person who hurt you – whether it’s the young adult who was texting and driving when he crashed into your car or the next-door neighbor whose dog got out and bit you or the manager at the grocery store where you slipped and threw out your back in the produce department. For that last example, it’s wise to take it one step further than collecting insurance information at the scene of a car accident. Ask the manager to file a report and provide you with a copy!
Seek Medical Attention ASAP: If you’ve been injured, it’s wise to seek treatment immediately or as soon as possible. In doing so, you’ll have a diagnosis and steps will be taken to work towards your recovery. But you’ll also have documented proof of the extent of your injury. Emergency rooms, urgent care facilities and your current primary care doctor are all possible avenues. If you don’t have a doctor and aren’t sure where to go, the experienced lawyers at The Edmonson Law Firm have cultivated an extensive list of excellent medical professionals that can help you. We’re happy to help pair you with the best doctor to serve your needs.
Find a Reputable Personal Injury Attorney: When it comes to seeking damages from your injuries, you’ll want a skilled Personal Injury attorney by your side. Those damages will go a long way in covering medical expenses, lost wages and ongoing care. Since 2015, The Edmonson Law Firm’s team of attorneys has fought for and won fair compensation for dozens of Personal Injury clients. We invite you to save our contact information somewhere safe in the event of a Personal Injury, on-the-job accident resulting in a Worker’s Compensation claim, or Social Security Disability claim.
The Edmonson Law Firm
924 Gainesville Hwy, Suite 200, Buford, Georgia 30518
To learn more about us and our capabilities, meet our team or request a FREE initial consultation on our online contact form, visit us at www.elf-legal.com.