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Many jobs and the places where they are practiced can be physically demanding and dangerous, including commercial construction sites, residential construction sites, manufacturing and assembly plants, warehouses, distribution centers, hospitals, amusement parks and off-site jobs including utility work, to name a few. When you’ve got your nose to the grindstone, it’s all too easy to incur an injury. To protect injured employees in the event of a job-related accident or repeated stress disorder, The Georgia Workers’ Compensation Act is designed to provide compensation to help cover medical expenses, lost wages and ongoing care.
If you’ve been injured on the job, it’s essential that you know your legal rights. There may be a recovery of some sort available to you. It’s important that you act quickly and report any accident or injury to your employer within 30 days or else you risk losing your benefits. When injured and recovering, the process of filing a work injury claim and receiving benefits might seem overwhelming and complicated. That’s where the Workers’ Compensation experts at The Edmonson Law Firm come in.
You MUST report your injury within 30 days. It is far better to report your injury just as soon as you suffer it. Many employers will try to deny benefits if you delay reporting.
Once you have reported your injury, ask for medical treatment. Your employer is supposed to show you the Posted Panel of Physicians. It should be posted in a conspicuous location that you can easily get to. You get to choose one of the doctors from the panel.
If your injury is critical, get to the nearest emergency room! Workers’ comp will pick this expense up, retroactively. Make sure the hospital knows you were injured on the job.
Save every discharge note from hospitals or doctor’s office visits. These notes will likely have your work restrictions on them.
Call The Edmonson Law Firm at (678) 271-9111. Even if you don’t think you need an attorney, you should know your rights and responsibilities in the Workers’ Compensation system. The case analysis is free.
We encourage you to check in with us to explore your options.
After all, your case analysis at The Edmonson Law Firm is FREE!
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